5 myths about working part-time that couldn't be less true
By Ness Stonnill, Founder of Job Pair & Flex Coach
It's been an exciting few weeks for Job Pair with an incredible response to launching our flexible work solutions and making part-time possible. Repeatedly throughout our conversations with employees, leaders and employers we've noticed some common themes and misconceptions about working part-time hours which we want to clear up and help everyone understand flex work fact from fiction.
1. Part-time hours are for 'working mums'
Working part-time hours and flexibly isn't just for mothers and carers, it's for all demographic groups and here's why:
Baby boomers seek to transition their hours of work into retirement. Working part-time allows them to stay longer, build their team's capability and continue to add their perspective.
Young workers seek out jobs with flexibility. They'll happily resign due to lack of flexibility.
Dads are more involved than ever before at home. They want flexible hours and opportunities.
Both men and women are more likely to leave their jobs without flexibility.
Australians increasingly need a better balance of work, personal and family life.
2. Employees who work part-time are less productive
Research shows that people who work four days a week or less are more productive, more committed and happier than working full-time hours.
Why? Well, those who work less hours take less sick leave, often feel more confident about making decisions and putting greater value on their time, and are more proactive. Some say it's a case of Parkinson’s law, which states that “work expands to fill the time available for its completion.”
3. It can't be done in full-time style roles
Some roles can be adapted to part-time hours, and for many others job share is a great solution. Job share is an increasingly popular flexible working arrangement where typically two people work part-time hours to perform the one job. It can be effective at all levels, including CEO.
Finding the right partner to job share with is important and that's why Job Pair helps individuals and organisations solve for this by matching compatible people to job share.
4. Part-time workers are less ambitious
The idea that a person has to choose between flexible and fulfilling work is out dated. We constantly hear from our job share cohort that they don't just want a 'job' but a career in which they can be challenged, flourish, be rewarded and promoted.
People who work part-time hours are hard-working and ambitious. It's time to rethink the idea that only those who work 40, 60, 80 hours a week deserve promotions. Career advancement should be based on outcomes.
5. Hours in the office equals hours of output
Our culture has historically been obsessed with face time - if you're not working long hours then you're not committed to your job, or showing your worth.
Organisations are realising that this thinking is hurting its people, culture, talent retention, profit and sustainability.
Part-time solves for diversity and inclusion
When available to all demographic groups part-time hours of work is a great flexible working solution for creating true diversity and inclusion in workplaces, communities and households.
If you want to work part-time and find a compatible partner to job share with join Job Pair's cohort today.