Working part-time isn't about luck.
It takes self belief, preparation and the courage to just do it.
Hello, I'm Ness
I whole-heartedly relish helping people and businesses thrive.
As Founder of Job Pair and a Flex Work Coach I help individuals and organisations make part-time work hours possible in all sorts of positions and professions.
I’ve spent the past two decades in big and medium-size corporates working in a variety of brand and marketing leadership roles, and have experienced all types of flexible (and inflexible) work practices, cultures and thinking.
I’ve seen and experienced first-hand the benefits to productivity, wellbeing and profits of flexible working - part-time, flexible hours, different locations, job sharing.
I’ve also seen the other side. My personal wake-up call came a few years ago when I was driven to resign from work due to severe fatigue and auto immune disorders – the result of exhaustion, stress and being ‘always on’.
My ambition to create more truly flexible workplaces and for Job Pair to touch the lives of thousands comes from my first-hand experience, others' stories and a passion to help people thrive in work and life.
My story
Dreams come true! Move to Sydney with Adam. First gig in big corporate.
Two decades of working in corporate environment.
Years of navigating my career and flexible working, and coaching others in it.
Flexible work champion. I have experience in part-time, job share, flexible work hours, working remotely and flexible leave time.
Bachelor of Arts (Communication & Media Management)
Diploma of Art Therapy
Autogenic Therapy and Mindfulness Training