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Five common hurdles for people seeking flex work

Is there something stopping you from transforming your job with a flexible work arrangement? We rounded up the five most common mistakes people make when seeking flex work and paired them with our solutions.

1. Believe that you can

People often don’t believe their role can be anything but full-time hours. One of the biggest concerns we hear from the Job Pair cohort is how to make flexible work hours achievable in any role. Assuming you can’t or your employer won’t agree to flex work, just because others in your workplace or profession don’t, is a common mindset that can hold us back from working the way we want to. Reorientate your thinking. Flexible work solutions exist and they can work for any role.

2. Have the conversation

Talking to your workplace about flexible work options can be daunting. Job Pair hears from individuals who have felt stuck in their full-time roles for years, reluctant to broach the subject with their boss. Being able to have an open, informed conversation with your workplace is one of the most significant steps you can take to realising the life you want—a life of balance and fulfilment. Back yourself with the assurance that you can make flex work suit you.

3. Prepare—make flex work win-win

Flex work can work for you and your organisation. Perhaps your role can be adapted to part-time hours, or maybe a job share solution will suit the demands of your position. Whichever way it works for you, a flexible work arrangement doesn’t just benefit you. Organisations have plenty to gain from accommodating roles to individual needs. These benefits include a more positive work culture; higher productivity as burnout and stress are minimised; and a reduction in staff turnover and absenteeism. Flex work is win-win. Find out how Maddy's flex work solution works for her and her employer.

4. Test and learn

Recognising that your flex work arrangement might require some tweaking is an important step to factor in. Keeping your flex work arrangement fit for purpose is an on-going process that requires open channels of communication with others in your workplace.

5. Encourage mutual trust

Flex work requires collaboration with the people in your workplace. In order to perform at your best, there needs to be an environment of mutual trust. If this doesn’t exist in your workplace, try to keep an open mind about how you can realise a flex work solution that works for everyone. Job Pair is committed to coaching individuals through their workplace’s differing thoughts and experiences of flex work to reach a place of respect and trust.

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