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Rob's working from home story

Last year, we spoke to Rob, a project coordinator in the engineering industry, about his transition to part-time which allowed him more time to care for his grandson, play golf and enjoy life. Now, we’ve checked in with Rob again to find out about his experience working from home during coronavirus.

“I’m a fan. Happy to work from the office but very comfortable also at home.”

Can you tell us a bit about yourself?

I am in my 60s, working part-time enjoying both working and having a bit of time for the things I like to do.

Have you had any experience working from home or in flexible work arrangement/s prior to COVID-19?

Yes. 15 months ago, I reduced my working role to 0.6FTE. It enabled me to care for my grandson and to do a few things I like.

How has working from home during COVID-19 compared to your expectations?

Once over the first couple of weeks and teething problems with computer access, it has been pretty good thereafter. I believe for some time this will be the norm - working at home for much of the work week.

What are the benefits you've experienced in working from home?

Having more flexibility. If I need to get something or meet someone I can do it and work later to make it up.

What’s been your biggest distraction or challenge, and how have you overcome it?

Initial challenges with online meetings have gone. You work your way through them. Overall, it’s been a good learning exercise.

How has your experience changed your thinking on working from home?

I’m a fan. Happy to work from the office but very comfortable also at home.

How has this experience changed the way you will work moving forward?

I think for the near future this will be the way. I don’t foresee any change in the short term.

What does your at home workspace look like?

My work organised an additional screen, a chair and some other bits. My room is well lit. I think it’s quite comfortable.

What’s your working from home ritual? (i.e. your morning routine, something that helps you feel in the zone or you enjoy now you’re not in the office)

Due to some delay issues, I turn the computer on while I have my breakfast. Login after eating, clean my teeth tidy up and get into it.

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